7  Subsetting columns

Using select() to subset columns

A very common task when working with dataframes is to remove or keep only desired columns. In R, we can do this with the verb select(). Within the select() function, we first enter the dataframe name, and then the instructions on what to select.

There are lots of different instructions we can give to the select() function to select our desired columns.

Selecting by name

One simple way to select columns is by the column names. After specifying the dataset, simply enter each column you want to keep, separated by a comma. To select the Age and Sex columns from the titanic_df dataset, use the below code.

Try it yourself: Select the Pclass and Name columns from the titanic_df dataset.


We can also remove (deselect) columns, using a minus (-) sign:

To select everything except the Age column, do the following:

Try it yourself: below, select everything except the Pclass column.

Selecting by position

You can also select columns by their position. Enter the positions as numbers, separated by a comma. This selects column 1 and 5:


Edit this code cell to select the Name, Age, and Sex columns in the titanic_df dataframe, by position.

Deselect the fifth column in the titanic_df dataframe.

Select a range

You can also select a range of columns using a colon (:). The below command selects columns 1 through to 5:

Combine select instructions

You can also combine multiple select instructions. This will select the first to the third columns, and the eighth column:

Differences between R and Python

If you have programmed with Python before, this method of selecting using two colon-separated numbers is similar to something called list slicing. There are two important differences. First, Python starts counting from zero, not 1, and second, using a range like this in Python results in everything up to but excluding the end number. So in Python, this range would be the second, third, fourth, and fifth numbers in the sequence.

Tidyselect functions

You can also select columns using more complicated methods. There are a g roup of ‘tidyselect’ helpers to select columns based on more complicated criteria. The most useful are:

  • starts_with()

  • ends_with()

  • contains()

First, starts_with() will look for and any columns which starts with some chosen text. It works as the following:

Try it yourself: In the cell below write a select function which using starts_with() which selects the PassengerID and Parch columns, but not the Pclass column.

ends_with() works in a similar way, selecting columns which end with chosen characters:

Try it yourself: In the cell below, write a select function that selects the Age, Fare, and Name columns.

Lastly, contains() will select any columns which contain a given pattern of letters:

To rename columns, we can use the rename() function with the syntax rename(dataset, new_name = old_name). For example, to rename the Name column to passenger_names in the Titanic dataframe, we can use:

If you want to, you can rename and select columns in one go. To do this use the same syntax as rename, except use the function select(). The following will select the Name and Pclass columns, and rename them:

However, note that nothing will actually change in the original dataset until you save it as an object in your environment, which will look at when we move to Posit cloud.