16  Home exercises


The at-home exercises should be completed using Posit cloud. Open the new assignment ‘Home Exercise 3’. Create a new .Rmd file (use File -> New File -> R Notebook.

I advise saving the new file straight away. Because you’ll submit this file as an assignment, use a standardised name: lastname_firstname3. Regularly re-save the file.

When you have finished the exercise (or part of it), ‘knit’ the file. Export the .Rmd and the html as a .zip file, and upload this to the assignment area.

If you can’t knit the file because of an error, either comment out the code which doesn’t work using #, or just submit the .Rmd file on its own.

At home exercises

You can find a copy of the Titanic dataset as a csv in the project folder.

Use summarise and all the previously-learned functions to do the following:

  • Load the tidyverse library
  • Read the dataset titanic_df_full.csv into your environment, and save it as an object with the name titanic_df. (see the previous week’s home exercises to see how to do this and the previous step).
  • Filter the dataset to include only male passengers who travelled on a ticket worth over 100 pounds.
  • Filter the dataset so it includes all passengers who were children (those under 18) or who embarked at Cherbourg (C).
  • Filter the dataset to include only passengers who had a second or third class ticket, and they also embarked at Queenstown (Q).
  • Create a new column, and calculate the age in months for each passenger.
  • Summarise the data to calculate the average number of siblings or spouses (sibsp column) per passenger. Before you do this, remove passengers with no siblings or spouses.

Filter combined with str_detect (optional)

  • Find all passengers whose family name starts with the letters Ca.

  • Find all the Swedish passengers (names that end in sson).

  • Find all the married female passengers who travelled alone.

  • Were there any female doctors on board? Find them.

  • Write a Regular Expressions pattern to match as many common Dutch family names as you can.