insert into Gifts (Gift), values ('Two cases of Algerian wine. Two cases of Algerian dates.') insert into Gifts (Gift, Donor, Value, CountryID) values ('23" × 19" framed canvas painting of an Algerian horsemen with dogs and falcons in the desert.', 'Abdelmalek Sellal', 990, 1); insert into Gifts (Gift, Donor, Value, CountryID) values ('Box of dates. Twelve bottles of wine. ', 'Abdelaziz Bouteflika', 475, 1); insert into Gifts (Gift, Donor, Value, CountryID) values ('Electronic bicycle made of black metal.', 'Mauricio Macri', 1499, 2); insert into Gifts (Gift, Donor, Value, CountryID) values ('Silver ornament dagger in a black display box.', 'Jorge Argüello', 440, 2); insert into Countries (Name, Continent, GDP_Cap_2016) values ('Argentina', 'South America', 12499) select Gifts.Gift, Countries.Name from Gifts join Countries on Gifts.CountryID = Countries.ID CREATE TABLE "Recipients" ( `ID` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `Name` TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, `Title` TEXT) insert into Recipients(Name, Title) values ('Barack Obama', 'President')